Rabbits in the pink city of Toulouse

Toulouse, the pink city! With a little bit of wandering, wine & cheese (plus a lot of help from this fantastic website) we came across all kinds of painted wonders. Keep an eye out for the rabbit… the most ubiquitous stencil in Toulouse. Such a great way to beautify a construction site! Rue Gramat was a…

Exploring Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa

Having already seen penguins, baboons, elephants, buffalo, warthogs, zebras, many types of antelope and one lion during our time in South Africa – we decided on our very last day it was time to hunt out some street art. Thanks to Juma’s art tours, I knew that Woodstock was the place to go. I wasn’t…

A touch of art in Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa

After two weeks of exploring the countryside, wilderness and seaside of the Western Cape and Eastern Cape regions, we had two quick days in Cape Town itself. We dedicated half a day to a Township Tour, an amazing opportunity to be guided safely through some parts of Cape Town’s largest township. This included a chance…